What's up, Cool Kid!

explore random facts

The Fun Facts of Life!

Ever wonder how long elephants live? Or who invented basketball? How big is the Amazon rainforest, anyway?

We’re a team of Kid Bloggers and we’re SUPER curious! We ask a ton of questions and share what we learn on Random Facts for Kids. Want to learn more about the team? Want to write for RFK? Click below!

Facts, Jokes & Quotes
Oh, My!

Animal Facts

We have much to learn from our fury friends! Check out these wild facts.

People Facts

Where did Elvis live? Who was JFK? Learn about the people who changed our culture.

Places Facts

Explore the world's wonders - from home to Rome - through interesting facts!

Best Jokes

Jokes on you, joker! Bring down the house with this hilarious list of jokes and games.


There are no new ideas just new ways of saying it! We love famous quotes.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Aldous Huxley
writer & philosopher

Fact Finders Unite!

A curated list of books and resources to help kids take their fact finding offline

Favorite Family Games

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Books About Animals

Dolor eum doloremque, commodo odit esse recusandae donec nulla commod

Geography Workbooks

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